So I just finished doing my dissertation in my phD program and got a bunch of free time now. It was on Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics. I rejoined my old guild that I left when I was in my undergrad, and got say 7 months before they need me on the research team again. My guild captain and co-leader is my live-in vanilla gf of 8 years and she's been antagonistic on my members, she was offending people asking to verify. Now I totally understand the need to avoid promoting dishonest people by accident into high rank, I have also a verification system in my community's Discord server as it is completely online with nobody being in irl alternative lifestyle as most are playing a fantasy to relief boredom afterwork/study. There I have the persona of Algaron the map roper, owning 1 full time online sub girl (he is a man in real life but online identifies as a girl for the purpose of play).
My problem is that my captain is scaring off my new members and I have no good reason to stop her from issuing verification papers on the player. Now she's threatening to tell my parents about my gaming and my Discord server, then they'll cut any support to me, they're hardcore religious Christian parents there is a good reason I moved away from them for university. My vanilla captain has no idea how much she will wreck my life if she told them my secrets and I've been forced into hiding not able to come out to even my in-person community events anymore. Finally the covid limits are lifting and I'm not able to game decently or do anything in person. I can't lose my server because I'm using it to impress tourist women at my group. My captain is going to move out with a Richmond guy soon and tell my parents about my secrets, how can I stop her without breaking any laws in real life?
How do you guys prevent this kind of privacy problems from breaking into your irl relationships and social groups? I'm not hoping to get anyone serious even with my server but I've been in my group since I was 18 and now I'm 37 no luck, I own a small pharmacy locally that's passed down from my uncle and I've done my phD dissertation yet no one is responding and my live-in gf is going away to Richmond. If she really tells my parents, it will spread to most of my social group and I might not even be able to game or run my GW2 guild anymore, my realm is SBI and it's a nice quiet realm where word spreads fast and community is very close, I really need to stop her! My community is Somerville Community Center and they're really tough on rules if I'm violent or loud in any way or recorded in aggressive behavior I will be kicked out with remark in my papers for the next 10 years! In the meantime I'm reading and hearing about all these real life perfect gamer couples and gamer groups where nothing private is compromised out into other parts of their life, where guild leadership works together and they're all married in real life and with proof of status and lifestyle. They're so happy, why can't I have that, I've worked so hard and tried everything, now that vanilla girl will ruin everything!
I hope this finds you well, Thanks for posting in the mature/18+ section, Albert. Don't worry, most of those so-called "real life" happy perfect couples are photoshop or clipped pornhub video roleplays who have few to no real life experience in the lifestyle. Life has its ups and downs, it's not possible to be perfect 24 hours a day 7 days a week constantly doing whatever their heart desires. 24/7 in real life is nothing like the movies. What you can do is go to your nearest notary office to draft up a paper called a Non-Disclosure Agreement and make it a condition of her signing it if she is really moving out. When you live together you share stuff but then she has to take her stuff with her. Review your cohabitation agreement if you had one together. The NDA will protect your privacy. She is not legally allowed to slander your character in real life especially at your place of business or your institution even after your relationship ends with her. As most people of the community are aware and have confirmed , I am married to my Master in real life and living together, building the business together, and we also generally have no secrets from each other because that is in our legally-witnessed lifestyle contract from the U.S. We also reside in a region that has Limited Community of Property Laws. However this is not as common as you would think and most people don't respect boundaries or limits. So do as much as you can to protect yourself and/or any children you have together with your cohabitation partner without losing your patience. I know it's easy to get mad in an unfair situation like this where you've got so much at stake that she could destroy. But it's best to wait until you're calm(er) than her to discuss the legal options of her moving out. I don't support the use of online-only remote servers such as the server that you have/ are owning for sensitive stuff like the lifestyle because the risks are just too high and that's just too much work for a submissive girl/submissive boy to filter out the potential dangers and predators online. People are not always honest online which causes danger in meetups for this type of encounters. A few problems of vetting online-only partners include: 1. ID for age verification, 2. Passport, for knowing that they are able to travel with you as they promised, 3. Location Sharing, for knowing that they live where they say they live, 4. Any other documents that verify they are who they say they are. Too often, online roleplayers get creative about who they are, and you do not get to know the real person, just their fantasy creation. Exercise common sense and caution when using online-only Lifestyle themed chat servers, even if you use photo verification/recorded message verification systems. Snapchat with friends-only live map sharing, live video calls over extended periods of time will give you a better chance at getting to know them. However, Snapchat also has video filters so she or he may look a little bit different in real life if you do meet in person. Some other reliable video conferencing apps are Zoom which is also commonly used by schools and workplaces, with great privacy features and no video filters so you can see them as they are. Discord is also good but may be a bit slow if you don't have Nitro subscription. Skype is now outdated with privacy issues and prone to mirror streaming (when a person skype calls you but is using a video cam feed from another source instead of their real device), if you do use Skype, ask what type of device and if the connection is unreasonably unstable, resolution of video call is not matching the native resolution, or there is a strange voice distortion/delay, then the caller may be masking his/her voice with a voice changer or mirroring the call from another source. As always, safety first. I would recommend you to enquire about real life Munches (they are public lunching/get-together hangouts) in your local neighbourhood to get to know real people in person who might share your special interests and understand the need for privacy for everyone that's involved. Also, take a few safety courses or lesson packages from a licensed practitioner in the U.S., it will help you establish yourself as a safe person to your future partners. Don't set your expectations too high, more than 99% of special interest play partners stay casual and never continue onto long-term status. If anyone is bragging about their perfect 24/7 TPE RL marriage at home but coming to events alone (alone, just like you), always question them or ask for evidence (unfiltered videos of holidays together, live photos without photoshop, personal souvenirs, boarding passes, tickets from going to special events together, etc..). People who brag to look better actually tend to be the most insecure people, because they have to put you down to make themselves seem more successful. Don't fall for it. I also advise you to limit your financial dependence with your family because unfortunately, for as long as you stay financially dependent on your parents, they will see you always as their dependent child who needs parental guidance even if you don't want it. It's easier if you're the adult child that's supporting the aging parents, simply move and stop supporting them, but for you, you are taking support FROM your parents in your late 30's. Take more hours at work or look into diversifying your small business, it will make you more independent. This will also look better on the papers when you are responding to people that you like in a community. Congratulations on your dissertation paper and best of luck with your upcoming doctorate dissertation defense presentation. Take care and safe adventuring! :) S. van der Plas General Manager, MMOGATE International.
wow!!! thats amazing thanks again for everything, i'm not so worried and afraid of my soon to be ex's pressure anymore now haha XD
I was. I also had the right kind of certification for that. First Aid 3, safety training, emergency procedures, and all that. It wasn't the right fit for my personality though. I'm much happier and safer now.
well i guess that makes sense. you're really wise and knowledgeable for someone your age haha... you sure you're not really a Domme?
I can't advise you on how to avoid disappointments, as a submissive I have rejected many people and declined sessions if I'm unable to verify the safety of the person or their community history. Try not to take it personally, because safety always comes first. Hiding in online-only servers takes time away from what you could have explored in real life with real people. You are intelligent, well-educated, resourceful, and you have interesting hobbies such as gaming and research. Take the time to grow stronger in your knowledge and experience. Never undercut yourself to follow others in lifestyles that neither match you nor satisfy you. Put yourself in a position where you will be most likely to get to know the type of people that will fit properly in your life. That means don't hide. thanks, my options are limited irl though i'm kind of shy as a person and i talk better online thru text that why i have a server that i use, its just awkward and uncomfortable to discuss the topic of my interests in person at community seeing what the labels are now adays especially after covid-19, what if they reject me while im being honest and talking in person at a lifestyle hangout, i dont take rejection well and im introverted